ODPA Annual Meeting - Virtual Webinar
Event Details
Plan to attend ODPA's virtual annual meeting on July 17 for a lineup of guest speakers you won't want to miss.
Attendees will hear from Scott Higgins, ODPA CEO, about how the association is advocating for Ohio's dairy farm families with the Governor, state agency directors and the Statehouse on important issues that may affect your farm.
Mike McCully, McCully Group, will join us to share insights on dairy product sales, milk pricing and economic forecasting, as well as answer any questions.
The National Milk Producers Federation's CEO Jim Mulhern will review NMPF's influence on policy during COVID-19, provide a recap of CFAP support for dairy farmers, and give an update on federal dairy policy.
Lisa Watson from the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy will discuss the U.S. Dairy Stewardship Commitment and 2050 Environmental Goals, and what it means to Ohio's dairy farmers.
The meeting will conclude with a presentation from Jenny (Hubble) Crabtree, American Dairy Association Mideast, as she shares an update on dairy checkoff’s consumer communications and social media efforts.
Attendance is free and open to all dairy farmers.